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Streets of downtown...
that have something

to do with our history.




Teniente a Guerra (roughly translated as War Lieutenant) was a position that combined the duties of mayor, military lieutenant and judge.




- Orocovis 1825-1940 (Héctor E. Colón Ramírez, 1982) pg. 128

- Genealogy investigations by Reniett Ramírez
- Municipal Archive Municipal of Orocovis and Marlon Meléndez

- Crónicas de Barros (Pedro Arroyo Vivas, 1945) pgs. 189, 206 y 208

- Remembranzas de Orocovis 1933-1954 (Arturo Santiago Meléndez, 2012) pg. 263
- Law No. 439 of the year 2000


Site created by Reniet Ramírez (2023)


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Ice Cream Orocovis
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